PERBANAS Pusat ‘Goes to’ Sumatera Utara Forum Dialogue “Pelindungan Data Pribadi”

Medan City, Tuesday (9/1/2024) PERBANAS conducted a dialogue forum activity with discussions regarding personal data protection.
PERBANAS General Treasurer Nixon LP Napitupulu said in his speech at this forum that protecting personal data has become a very important topic amidst the recent rash of personal data leaks.
"The protection of personal data has recently become very important apart from discussing interest rates," said Nixon LP Napitupulu at an event held at the Grand City Hall in Medan.
On the same occasion, the Director of Supervision of Financial Services Institutions at the Regional 5 Financial Services Authority (OJK), Wan Nuzul Fachri, conveyed a similar thing. According to him, protecting personal data is very important amidst the rapid development of information technology.
Photos can be seen at Perbanas Gallery
“Digitalization is one of the factors that drives the development of the financial services industry. "The adaptation of technology in the financial services industry has certainly given rise to financial products and services that are increasingly complex and diverse," said Wan Nuzul Fachri.