PERBANAS is an organization that supports the national banking industry and can serve as a resource for its members to communicate their aspirations to the government, DPR, and regulator of the banking industry (OJK & Bank Indonesia).
For it's member, the presence of PERBANAS can serve as a catalyst for advancing the development of the national banking sector, fostering its health, and fostering mutually beneficial working relationships between participants that are not contingent on the existence of any specific professional banking organization.
Educational Institution for Banking Sector
The lack of educated banking professionals in Indonesia in the 1950s was the driving force behind the PERBANAS board's decision to establish an educational institution for the banking industry, so it served as more than just a platform for the association of banks in Indonesia.
Hence, in 1968, a school with the name Yayasan Pendidikan PERBANAS (YPP) was established . Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) PERBANAS and Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Komputer (STIMIK) PERBANAS are two other educational institutions that YPP itself supports.
In its journey, the two high schools were merged to become the Asian Banking Finance and Informatics Institute (ABFII). With the merger of the two, it is hoped that the PERBANAS education sector can concentrate on the financial sector.